Marluci Menezes

Member of: 
Working Group WG 2 - Urban ethnography
Short biography: 

Geographer, Master and PhD in Anthropology, Research Officer at LNEC, where since 1991 studying urban cultures of use and appropriation of space, heritage conservation and urban rehabilitation of. Invited member of the Right to the City in Latin America’s Workgroup of Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLASCO). Was Coordinator of Social Ecology Division / LNEC (May 2009/2013), Visiting Professor at the Institute of Research and Technology / IPT - São Paulo (2010) and UNICAEN / Basse Normandie (2012). In the area of social and urban intervention, coordinated the Technical and Methodological Support to Project Old Ghettos, New Centralities (EFTA funds). Presently studying socio-cultural issues associated with the use and conservation of cultural resources, the dynamics of adaptation to urban transformation processes, and the relationship between tangible and intangible heritage in preserving the architectural heritage.

Research interests: 

Architectural and intangible heritage
Social and spatial organization relationship on the conservation and socio-adaptation on the urban and building environment
Social practices of sustainable development
Images and social representations of urban and residential space
Technical and methodological assistance to sustainable and conservative urban intervention

Institution and contacts:
Avenida do Brasil, nº 101
(351) 218443587
marluci [at]